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About agents8

Magnigying Glass
Creative agency consulting discussing strategy.

Welcome to where agency management, marketing services, software, and data analytics intersect.

No generalists here…every team member has 10+ years of marketing industry experience.

agents8 creative agency consulting connects People, Process and Technology to provide impactful actionable information for strategic decision making – for ad agencies, creative management firms, digital agencies and marketing service organizations.

We are objective observers…
agents of change.

Integration + Information + Transformation
Colorful butterfly transformation concept

Creative Agency Consulting

Left-brain. Right-brain.

We are fluent in both financial and creative processes.

Been there, done that.

We’ve worked where you work. Fought the same battles. Struggled with software, process, collaboration, and missing information. Banged our heads on the desk more than once.

Depth and breadth.
We’d mention how many years combined experience we have, but we’d embarrass ourselves.
Like Velcro. We stick around as long as you choose.
We’ve consulted on best practices in every part of your business. We can speak creative, interpret the numbers, huddle with leadership, hang in the trenches, eat stale popcorn in the break room.
No really, we are!
Donna Lynn Johnson

Donna Lynn Johnson (DLJ),
Founder and President

Master of Creative Management, Software Consulting, and Data Analytics. DLJ speaks owner, geek, finance, account service, and creative. She has provided transformative, actionable business intelligence to hundreds of agencies and in-house groups.

Keen wit. Dog lover. Teacher and mediator at heart. When she’s not working, she can be found hunting all things vintage, reading southern fiction, or playing at the dog park. Contact DLJ

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